Fractal LOOP
All the parameters are FREE for inspired and create your flame them to your heart’s content! You may even sell the renders you make. Credit is appreciated. For legal purposes, copyright is maintained by Jan Dabo, the original creator. All fractals here are FREE ONLY FOR PERSONNAL USE for INSPIRED ! Credit is appreciated but not required. These fractals are created by Jan Dabo ( website, fractal art).

PLEASE NOTE: The parameters were designed in JWildfire by Andreas Maschke ( website ), but can renders in Chaotica. Chaotica doesn't have all the same transform variations, so some fractals may appear messed up. Also note that some parameters require custom transforms, which may require minimum versions of JWildfire. Note further that, beginning with last release JWF, brightness calculations changed, resulting in many parameters designed in older JWF versions as appearing dark in these images, so just increase the brightness.

PLEASE NOTE: Most of the fractals were rendered with their perspectives widened, causing round shapes to appear elliptical. Most of the fractals were rendered at only moderate resolution, so they may appear dusty.

PLEASE NOTE: This is a fractal DUMP. It includes nearly every fractal parameter created over the course of 10 years, so the quality ranges from newb to boss. None of the fractals are sorted. Many appear to be duplicates but are actually progressions in the development of a final fractal form. These may be useful in tutorials.

More fractal flame parameters can be found in the huge repository.

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z